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Ring Flight Evolution by PropDog

Ring Flight Evolution by PropDog

Price: £59.99 Tax Free Price (for non UK customers): £49.99 Reward points required to purchase this: 1000
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Item Details

The Ring Flight Evolution is pretty much identical to the Ring Flight Revolution, but instead of using an expensive car key/fob, we are using much cheaper garage/gate remote keys.

We wanted to create a cheaper version for our customers who wanted the Ring Flight Revolution, but couldn't afford it, so the Evolution was born.  To keep the cost down, we don't supply the extra clips that we provide with the standard Ring Flight Revolution and it doesn't come with the 2 year warranty.  But other than that, it's pretty much the same device.  The added bonus being that it's smaller, so takes up less pocket space and it does still lock in exactly the same way.  The cheaper price also makes it perfect as a back up device to your regular Ring Flight Revolution if you have one.  The only downside to the Evolution version is that it doesn't lock quite as well as the regular version, but you could make it lock a littel better by increasing the amount of keys that the line goes through before it reaches the clip.

Again, to keep costs down, we've not made any fancy trailers and the instruction link that comes with it is the same as the instructions for the Ring Flight Revolution which is a Video Download explaining the gimmick, how to perform it, how to maintain it and how to fix any problems you may have with it.

The below videos are using the Ring Flight Revolution, but will be the same result achieved with the Evolution.

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