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Creativity, we all have it.


Creativity, we all have it.

I recently posted on a FaceBook page that Everyone has the capacity to be creative. People may not actively be creative but I'd argue it is definitely within them.
I was immediately shot down by a better known persona in the Magic Community.
I left it there on the FB page but I’d like to expand my argument here.

Creativity is a process, it combines knowledge and imagination, both of which can be developed, and therefore so can creativity.

I have heard people, including friends say they are not creative as if it is a gift you are born with, but really it comes either from a misconception of creativity or it’s an excuse. It isn’t something you are born with any more than being able to juggle is, nor is it easy which is the misconception I mentioned. Do you have to be a bit mad? No, but it helps.

I often shrug when people say I’m creative, because I think they are talking about some super power. In truth I put a stupid amount of effort into trying to be creative. 

Knowledge is a huge thing for me. I will read everything I can on a subject and then end up reading around the subject too. Checking out all the credited sources and other works. This is probably the madness bit. 

Imagination is often sparked during the sponging up of knowledge, ideas may get mentioned in passing. But I also take in the Arts. I’m not a pretentious gallery goer by any means, I just happily go and see anything. I read novels, read poetry (often a struggle), watch plays, listen to music and observe the world around me. I’m a firm believer that if you want to be something, then hang around people that behave that way.

The other important thing is to be endlessly searching for the creative moment. This is also the madness bit, I pick up almost everything and look at it for comedy/magical possibilities. You’ll be surprised what leaps out you e.g. My spring onion deck switch.

The bottom line is it isn’t about being a creative person but actively being creative. 

Ask questions. Questioning the world around us brings new thoughts and ideas to the fore. What if? Is such an important question in finding both the idea to be developed but also the solution. Whereas asking Why? or How? Brings in the knowledge, the more you ask, the more you learn.
Once you have an idea, think about it. I do this obsessively. Whilst walking or listening to music. The idea is constantly rolling around in my head, gathering more substance. 

Put the effort in. This is what people don’t see, all the mistakes, the failures, the ‘wasted’ time and money. You can have so many false solutions before the brainwave hits. The important thing here is to start trying something, the answer is often found once you have started playing with the idea. 

Failures are still creations of course so don’t give yourself a hard time.

Creating anything doesn’t come from natural ability, nor is it quicker and easier for anyone else. What you need is a strong desire to fulfil an idea, the willingness to explore avenues and to invest the resources.


1 Comments To "Creativity, we all have it."

Kevin King on 10.12.2020
Well said - it is important to be as well versed in different Magic theory with a full tool box of ideas/solutions. Reply to this comment

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