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Four Treasures by Harapan Ong


Four Treasures by Harapan Ong

Four Treasure’s by Harapan Ong

This is a small paperback book which contains just four effects, each using a different but common gaff supposedly in a novel way. The required gaff cards are included should you not own then already for some reason.

As a project this is really interesting. Harapan has challenged himself to think outside of the box with each gaff to create powerful effects, and he has to some extent succeeded.

The first effect is a take on Twisting the Aces, so not an original plot. The use of a gaff makes the method a bit easier and provides a transposition at the end as a finale. It is without doubt a lovely take on the classic and I appreciate the visual ending. However, you don’t end clean and I’m left feeling this was more of an exercise report than a routine written up to be performed.

Hand to Pocket is a really nice effect using a double backer to create a visual disappearance. In this instance, the gaff is used to make the effect stronger rather than easier, and really does that. Again the plot is as old as the hills and I won’t replace my card to pocket with this, it feels similar to Chicago Opener which is easier and as amazing.

My favourite routine is Indicated Transposition, a terrific way to use the classic mis-pipped card usually found in Monte card sets. Two cards are selected, one if found and then there is a lovely surprise transposition. The gaff card really makes everything look that little bit cleaner than a pure sleight of hand method would. 

PunchBack is a sandwich effect with a transposition thrown in for good measure. This is achieved with the help of a double-faced card. I’m not the biggest fan of sandwich effects and this really didn’t change my mind. It is a quite a bit of work for a good but not overwhelming outcome. It also uses a table which is often fine but does limit its practicality.

All in all, what you receive in terms of the gaff cards and the effects raises this above a rip-off. If like me, one of the tricks appeals to you it nudges into value for money.

Having said that, I found the book(let) irritating at times. The number of pictures and their size leans more towards padding the book out than aiding the explanations.

Also because it is paperback, it is a nightmare to keep the book open if you wish to run an effect with the cards in your hands. You basically need a household brick to keep your place.

And then there is the tone of the book. I’m not sure if it is Harapan’s or if something is lost in translation but it comes across as rather up its own arse.

When you realise you have complete proper books by Aronson and Duffie and in the same price bracket you have to wonder if this is an arrogant vanity project.

1 Comments To "Four Treasures by Harapan Ong"

magictranscribed on 04.02.2021
is this just more of prop dog's anti-asian racism? like dave's "yellow" stuff? Reply to this comment

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